Marshmallow Mondays

Sister Marshmallow’s First Books

Like her big brother, I am hoping that Baby B will love to read too.  I hope that each night when Rydan and I lie down to read together, Baby B is listening to the sound of our voices and finds comfort in story time with Mommy and Brother.  Rydan certainly has developed a list of favorite bedtime books, so it will be interesting to see if those same books will one day become his sister’s favorites as well. 

In all honesty, I am not as aware of the popular baby books that are on the shelves as I am of the books that Rydan is interested in, such as The Berenstain Bears, Dr. Seuss books and The Little Golden Books.  But, thanks to a very special friend on the West Coast, I no longer have to worry about where to begin Baby B’s book collection. 

Last week, my best friend, Kim, mailed a package to Baby B – filled with her very first books.  After reading various reviews on each of the three books that Kim sent, I could tell that she had done her research because she knows how strongly I feel about the value that reading can have on a child’s life.  Below are the three books that Kim chose.

This hardcover book folds out, accordian-style, showcasing a gallery of various baby expressions.  Parents have given this book great reviews, stating that their babies respond to it by smiling, laughing and kissing the faces. 

A good friend had recommended this book to me after having her son, so I was excited to see that Kim had chosen this one for Baby B.  Because an infant’s eyes are still developing after birth, the black and white images provide a high contrast, which makes it easier to see and recognize various shapes.

This is another black and white book filled with 12 eye-stimulating patterns by well-known artists.  Like Tana Hoban’s Black & White, this book supports the use of high-contrast images to catch an infant’s attention. 

Thank you, Kimberly, for being so thoughtful and choosing such valuable books for Baby B!  Rydan and I look forward to sharing these books with her.

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I hope baby b. will like the books when she gets older and maybe some old classic books or the berenstain bear books.

Comment by valerie

You are so welcome Bridgit! I loved picking out these books for Baby B and the Buffingtons. The reviews for each were so interesting and I especially enjoyed learning that newborns are able to ‘read’ symbols soon after birth.

I’m sure everyone can agree that your passion for reading is inspiring!

Comment by Kim

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